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What seems to be a perfect family falls apart when 25-year-old Julian appears at their home. The film follows Olivija and Aleksander who live a normal life with their daughter, Agata. Writer-director Sonja Prosenc has commenced shooting her third feature “Redemption” in the town of Vodice, near Ljubljana. I hope a new audience discovers ‘The Microcosm’ and Maureen’s work through this new film.” PRODUCTION Ingham added: “Maureen has produced one of the most powerful pieces of writing about the queer experience and yet it remains criminally underrated and obscure. It has been a privilege bringing her words to life.” Jackson said: “Maureen is one of the most talented writers of her generation and yet she remains, in my opinion, underrated. Being gay has always been part of the human possibility, there is no use in trying to suppress it.”

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And I hope that society today realises that gay people have so much to offer the world, they deserve the world. I hope they still have a resonance today.

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I am amazed I wrote these words all those years ago.

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